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The world's most popular cosmetics brand

  • 10 Million+

    200 Million+ Products Sold Worldwide

  • 20 Million+

    200 Million+ Products Sold Worldwide

  • 30 Million+

    200 Million+ Products Sold Worldwide

  • *In terms of retail sales value in 20204.
  • Data source: Based on research from November 2020 to 2024, measured by retail sales in 2024. If more than 75% of a brand's retail sales come from skincare products, the brand is defined as a skincare brand. Skincare products include moisturizers, serums, cleansers, and masks, which can also be used for other beauty care needs.
{ "name": "anker_brand_info", "settings": [{ "type": "header", "content": "基础设置" },{ "type": "text", "id": "title", "label": "标题", "default": "The World's No. 1 Mobile Charging Brand*" },{ "type": "text", "id": "time_explain", "label": "时间说明", "default": "*In terms of retail sales value in 2020." },{ "type": "textarea", "id": "detail_explain", "label": "详细说明", "default": "Data source: Euromonitor International (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., measured in terms of retail sales value in 2020, based on research conducted in 11-2021. Brands are defined as mobile charging brands if more than 75% of their retail sales are contributed by mobile phone charging products. Mobile phone charging products include chargers, wireless chargers, power banks, and charging cables, and these accessories can also be used for other consumer electronics devices." },{ "type": "header", "content": "添加模块" }], "blocks": [{ "type": "type", "name": "模块详细", "limit": 3, "settings": [{ "type": "type", "id": "type" },{ "type": "image_picker", "id": "image", "label": "封面图片", "info": "建议尺寸:380*100px图片", "default": "/publicshare/resource/67/8c26435a-54ee-4f51-b9da-590b0c02ded1.PNG" },{ "type": "text", "id": "count", "label": "数量", "default": "", "props":{ "type":"number" } },{ "type": "text", "id": "unit", "label": "单位", "default": " Million+" },{ "type": "text", "id": "simple_explain", "label": "简单说明", "default": "200 Million+ Products Sold Worldwide" }] }], "presets": [{ "name": "anker_brand_info", "cname": "品牌信息", "category": "素材", "ccategory": "素材", "display": true, "blocks": [] }] } { "name": "anker_footer", "settings": [{ "$item.type": "header", "content": "基础设置" }], "presets": [{ "name": "anker_footer", "cname": "页脚(ANKER)", "category": "素材", "ccategory": "素材", "display": true, "blocks": [] }] }